A two family home located in Minoa, NY is available for sale. It is only fifteen miles from Syracuse and has many desirable features. The front unit includes two bedrooms, a dining room and living room, while the back unit includes a studio apartment. The back unit has recently been updated with new paint, flooring and electrical wiring. It also has a metal roof.
The population of Minoa is estimated to reach 3,699 by the year 2020. It is the 424th largest city in New York and the 7898th largest city in the United States. The population is growing at a rate of 0.57% annually, and has increased by 1.15% since the last census. With a population density of 2,726 people per square mile, Minoa is a desirable place to raise a family. Learn More
Homes in Minoa tend to be lower in price than in many other parts of the country. The median home price in Minoa, NY is $161,141, which is less than the national average of $376,286. Homeownership rate in Minoa, NY is 74%. Most people in Minoa commute to work by car, with an average commute time of 18.5 minutes. Average car ownership is two cars per household.
If you want to travel nearby, you can find flights to other cities that are close to Minoa, NY. This can be useful if you want to explore the surrounding area. There are several big cities located about four hours away from Minoa, NY, which can be used as a starting point.
There are 1,362 households in Minoa, NY. The population is divided into 890 family households and 472 non-family households. Each household has an average of 2.48 people. The median income per household is $63,415. Housing costs average $948 per month. Nearly 2% of the households in Minoa, NY have a high school education, and the rest have at least some college credits. Next Article